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Blog » Making film accessible: In a sound studio, Director Liz Crow records audio description for the film Nectar. On a small stand in front of her is a script and she looks up to a monitor to time her delivery to the film. Beyond the studio window, a sound editor sits at a mix deskMaking film accessible: In a sound studio, Director Liz Crow records audio description for the film Nectar. On a small stand in front of her is a script and she looks up to a monitor to time her delivery to the film. Beyond the studio window, a sound editor sits at a mix desk
Making film accessible: In a sound studio, Director Liz Crow records audio description for the film Nectar. On a small stand in front of her is a script and she looks up to a monitor to time her delivery to the film. Beyond the studio window, a sound editor sits at a mix desk
Liz sits in a small darkened studio, wearing earphones and speaking into a microphone.
July, 24 2013 | Written by | Categories: