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Before the performance
@Quinonostante Watch out tomorrow for an exclusive interview with disabled artist and activist Liz Crow. It’s thought provoking stuff folks.
@johnpringdns Artist Liz Crow to spend 3 days in bed in art gallery to expose “miserable, terrifying” fit for work test.
@micheletaylor @RGPLizCrow doing what she does best: radical, risky, truth-telling. #beddingout
@Ilango Good luck and thanks for making our mostly invisible lives, visible.
Trina James Does she intend to go 48 hours without a pee? My diabetic bladder can’t wait 48 minutes on a real bad day.
Liz Crow No, I get pee breaks! Otherwise, I’m there for 48 hours.
Trina James Hehe, glad to hear that!
Liz Crow Oh yes!! J
@micheletaylor @RGPLizCrow performs from her bed, as the government administers Last Rights.
@ChrisBracken Live performance by artist @RGPLizCrow in April #beddingout protest disability issues.
@ian_beckett LOOK >> @RGPLizCrow artist and disability activist is #beddingout in protest to WCA [Work Capability Assessment] and more.
@FionaArt: @RGPLizCrow Great idea artistically, theatrically and as activist in hard political times 4 those wiv disabilities.
@disabilitydiva: A must read! “@RGPLizCrow: From the sharp end of the benefits scandal and scrounger propaganda:
@ian_beckett Great Art and Social Perspective from @RGPLizCrow
@RGPLizCrow #Beddingout wants to show what have been the worst impact of benefits changes to the disabled. Emotionally and Financially. Share with us.
@RGPLizCrow Text me, watch me, tweet me, blog me, Facebook me, or even be right there at the bedside. No Barriers to #beddingout.
@RGPLizCrow I’m performing the other side of my fractured self, #beddingout, and it’s scary but it needs to be seen.
@ian_beckett Be inspired: @RGPLizCrow’s #beddingout. Disability art and a whole lotta heart.
@JoVerrent Brilliant. Watch this and get the complexity some people face – and the sheer terror – in relation to benefit reform in the UK.
@access2arts Join our amazing friend disabled artist @RGPLizCrow #beddingout.
@VoiceofT_Reason Forget Tracy Emin’s soiled bed! #beddingout is the art to watch and its interactive.
@VoiceofT_Reason So inspired by this! #beddingout performance by artist/disability activist @RGPLizCrow How to take part here:
@justwillow Join @RGPLizCrow in #beddingout for disability. You don’t even need to get out of bed!
@J_Sellick Please RT and support this amazing event – a disability arts performance.
@eiohel A brilliant piece of artistic endeavour; a message none of us should ignore.
@ian_beckett I’ve just been blown away by @RGPLizCrow’s #beddingout for #disability video. Watch, rejoice and RT.
@chessmartinez Follow @RGPLizCrow as she mixes art with powerful social comment on welfare cuts.
@DMattersUK Don’t forget to go take a look at Bedding Out, a fabulous project.
@gaelesobott Participate in #beddingout @RGPLizCrow performing the other side of her fractured self, in/visibility 10-12 April.
@VoiceofT_Reason I’ve been writing about my bed ready to tweet it @RGPLizCrow for her performance on 10-12 April. Join in?
@dozzyangel Liz Crow explores privacy and disability with her new #beddingout show.
@RGPLizCrow Watching #beddingout videos (a 1000 thanks for them). One thing that shines out is human beings’ motivation to be active, contributing despite all.
@AtosStories Imagine a #WorldWithout #JohnNash #StephenHawking #HelenKeller #VanGogh #disability
@AtosStories Imagine a #WorldWithout #VirginiaWoolf #FranklinDRoosevelt (who feature in ‘Atos Stories’) #disability
@AtosStories Imagine a #WorldWithout #Beethoven #JohnMilton #BrianWilson #ChristyBrown #disability ‘Here to Be Seen and Heard.’ Diverse world.
@PenPep Remember our Bed sisters from history – from Frida, to Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Virgina, Sylvia – and many more. #beddingout
@Peckitt Back to the futon here in Japan. Much like Liz Crow who’ll be #beddingout on April 10th:
@Quinonostante “First they came for the sick”! @RGPLizCrow wants you to speak up, she’s #beddingout to shout out!
@RGPLizCrow The fearless @SoniaPoulton will be #beddingout with us on Wednesday! Join us! Live from The Bed!
@twowolves Have you watched any of the #beddingout@suey2y and @bendygirl? So clear on issues and has touched where I’m closed and in pain.
@ChampionsCareer What is behind this controversial headline?: “Artist goes to bed in public to raise disability awareness” #beddingout
@cusp Liz Crow’s#beddingout. Stay in bed and do something worthwhile
@OneBStrong UK: Artist-activist #beddingout for rights of persons with disabilities. @guardia
@lisapeacefrench#beddingout highlighting the precarious and fragile lives of thousands of disabled people being impacted by welfare reform.
@cjdprime: @RGPLizCrow Your words could be my words, good luck raising awareness.
@RGPLizCrow @Peckitt Full 48 hours. Eat in bed as needed. Loo breaks only. Ordinary life, but with with extra calm breathing!
@RGPLizCrow Climbing into bed with you, and you, you and even YOU… it’s not what you think, it’s better!
@bbcouch Artist Liz Crow goes to bed in public to raise disability awareness.
@CreatingPublics Disability benefit ‘reform’ and the re-articulation of public/private: new work #beddingout by artist-activist LizCrow.
@SoniaPoulton I am late supporting all the #beddingout crew @Onlyfluffyone…amazing peeps who keep others spirits up! LOVE THEM SO x
@disabledmedic Fascinated by the idea behind #beddingout. It would shock all but my closest friends to know what my life at home is like.
@JayLETay Oh wow! Love your idea of #beddingout. Incredible!! When I’m well enough I like to paint, check out
@RGPLizCrow @Jeremy_Hunt I’d like especially to invite you to join my live bedside talk #beddingout. It’s #disability #wca #nhs
@RGPLizCrow @grantshapps I’d like especially to invite you to join my live bedside talk #beddingout. It’s #disability and #wca
@RGPLizCrow @David_Cameron I’d like ‘especially’ to invite you to join my live bedside talk #beddingout. It’s #disability and #wca
@RGPLizCrow @EstherMcVeyMP I’d like especially to invite you to a join my live bedside talk. #beddingout. It’s #disability and #wca
@RGPLizCrow Excellent Blog by Jo Verrent: Energy: the benefits of taking to your bed for arts sake.
@Peckitt Coalition politics getting you down? Tired of the #bedroomtax? Then join us, #beddingout
@RGPLizCrow #beddingout aims to get people talking about issues around welfare cuts and public/media perception of disability.
@OTalk_Occhat What interest have you had from the mainstream media, @RGPLizCrow? I saw that @SoniaPoulton will be #beddingout with you!
@RGPLizCrow > Watch out for the Guardian tomorrow and really looking forward to Sonia visiting. You could encourage . . .
@Peckitt To learn more about #beddingout read about ‘Beddingin’ a @NewStatesman interview with Liz Crow. …
@Quinonostante #ff this week must go to remarkable Artist @RGPLizCrow. Here’s why: Please read, follow and retweet #beddingout
@GreggBeratan Liz Crow, on art, activism, disability and roaring from a bed. It’s new, it’s exciting –
@theyoungjane A film from disabled artist and activist @RGPLizCrow “Which part of me goes to this tribunal”? #beddingout @scoopit
@Quinonostante As @RGPLizCrow prepares to take to her bed take a look back at her striking work from the Fourth Plinth:
@RGPLizCrow Disability campaigner and author of ‘Diary Of A Benefit Scrounger’ @Suey2y on #beddingout and why it’s so important!
@icsnyonline Making the hidden side of disability visible: everyone is invited to virtually attend #beddingout this Wed. 4/10.
@RGPLizCrow #beddingout live Bedside Conversations will be live streamed with audio, BSL interpretation and live subtitles.
@goldfish All the ways we can participate in @RGPLizCrow’s #beddingout from our own beds.
@RGPLizCrow For 48 hours we can be #beddingout bedfellows, live on twitter and@SalisburyArts. Share the magic join in!
@ian_beckett Duvet Diva @RGPLizCrow offers a 48-hour round-the-clock performance #beddingout Performed by Liz and so many of you!
@coquopr Join @RGPLizCrow this week as she’s #BeddingOut. Take part in the conversation and tell us what your bed means to you.
@TwigsTrillycake This is a fantastic video and expresses a lot about how I’m feeling at the moment.
@Quinonostante Changes to DLA [Disability Living Allowance, being replaced by PIP] and the assessment criteria for the replacement will be under microscope during #beddingout.
@RGPLizCrow The sick and #disabled are not the UK’s ‘useless eaters’. Challenge perceptions with #beddingout this week.
@RGPLizCrow “First they came for the disabled people and I did not speak out because I wasn’t disabled” Shout out! #beddingout
@RGPLizCrow Protest and Insubordination from my bed! It’s a disability reality check and you can be involved too!
@RGPLizCrow #beddingout “This is not a work of tragedy, but of in/visibility and complication” in disability and welfare reform.
@RGPLizCrow A 48-hour around-the-clock performance check out #beddingout Performed by me and so many of YOU!
@ian_beckett Please Sign and RT the #WOWpetition then pop along and see @RGPLizCrow in bed #beddingout.
@RGPLizCrow Born @SPILL_Festival 2012, #Beddingout takes to stage and World Wide Web for 48 hrs next Wed 10th. Join us!
@RGPLizCrow Get involved with #beddingout… a live #disability art show challenging welfare cuts.
@AtosStories So #blackapril will see 3 different projects against Atos [company assessing ESA claimants]: Poets v Atos, #beddingout, and us!
@LosTheSkald This is awesome. @RGPLizCrow artist and disability activist #beddingout in protest to WCA and more.
@RGPLizCrow #beddingout wants to counteract propaganda by bringing real disabled people into the spotlight 10-12/4. Join in.
@bbcouch Hear disabled artist Liz Crow talk about her live marathon public sleepover #beddingout
@quair Artist @RGPLizCrow’s timely and important work about disability and the government is happening this week:
@RGPLizCrow C’mon C’mon, roll up, roll up for a revolution from a bed, my bed, live, unleashed and unedited.
@stuckinscared Artist-activist Liz Crow’s ‘bed-out’ for disabled rights
@skirrid Send some love to Liz Crow. #beddingout: a serious and important artwork in progress about life as a disabled person.
@WomenInTheArts Artist-activist @RGPLizCrow’s #beddingout is both art and protest, timely with UK’s disability benefit changes.
@OneBStrong UK: Artist-activist #beddingout for rights of persons with disabilities.
@kirstymhall Best wishes to my ex-boss, @RGPLizCrow who starts her #beddingout performance today.
@VoiceofT_Reason Rather watch #beddingout than guff about big bill for Thatcher’s funeral. We can afford that but not the disabled?
@suzybie Art and disability politics/rights colliding with @RGPLizCrow commencing her #beddingout performance. Watch live.
@RGPLizCrow To attend Bedside Conversations in person, members of the public can sign up at the @salisburyarts website or phone 01722 xxxxxx #beddingout
@Quinonostante Sick and disabled people are not UK’s ‘useless eaters’. Invite your MP to become involved in#beddingout this week.
@RGPLizCrow Reflections from the Bed – recorded at SPILL Festival of Performance Nov 2012 | Roaring Girl Productions #beddingout
@RGPLizCrow “Art can make an emotional connection to audiences and go on working long after the piece is officially over.”
@RGPLizCrow Art does something that other activism can’t do, reaching new audiences, communicating in new ways. Some activism think that art has no place activism, but might start to realise that there is a place for it.
@RGPLizCrow Mental Gymnastics, an exhausted #beddingout blog post.
@RGPLizCrow Tilda Swinton, John, Yoko, Tracey, Ron and me 10-12 April. Check it out! #beddingout #themaybe
@RGPLizCrow If Tiltda Swinton can, I can! #beddingout in public!
@RGPLizCrow ‘Reminding myself why’ by Liz Crow #beddingout
@RGPLizCrow In the words of John Lennon, adapted, let’s start a revolution from my bed. #beddingout
@long2b: My darling Mum is joining by proxy I hope that’s ok. With later stages of dementia she’s definitely in the bed life.
@RGPLizCrow So pleased to have her joining by proxy. Welcome, Kaye’s Mum.
@joe90kane: MT @Anon_sailor53m Newsflash: Thatcher found fit to work by Atos.
@eiohel A Tracey Emin for the crowdsourced age?
@lisapeacefrench I urge you all to take part in #beddingout with @RGPLizCrow. Live feed.
@CC_Me_AND_ME With you in spirit @RGPLizCrow. Looked forward to this for ages. Invisible illness needs more awareness.
@RGPLizCrow #beddingout in The Guardian, read and join us today:)
@RGPLizCrow Insubordination from my bed! It’s a #disability reality check and you can be involved too!
@AtosStories #atosmassread is done – we’re handing artistic baton to @RGPLizCrow for an amazing event #beddingout… Good luck Liz!
@bluehook So, who can guess what @RGPLizCrow will be wearing for Bedding Out? My money’s on stripey PJs. (Bedwear is as important as bed) #beddingout
@RGPLizCrow I wish I had some Crippen PJs. Check ‘em out!
@Cardifolderol #beddingout Where public and private faces of chronic illness meet.
@tippyscarecrow@MrLeePearsonCBE@ann_wild@AdeAdepitan Join disabled artist-activist for #beddingout. Vibrant discussion on impact of welfare reform.
@tippyscarecrow@EstherMcVey#beddingout How do you think financial shortfall not being covered by Universal Credit is an incentive to work more if disabled?
@tippyscarecrow@samshippen@CllrSamSeaford@CllrMc@paulawoolven Real story of how welfare reform affects disabled people. Join or read #beddingout.
@Peckitt Tired of Budget 2013 then read this about @RGPLizCrow who is #beddingout in protest.
@chessmartinez Follow @RGPLizCrow as she mixes art with powerful social comment on welfare cuts.
@rlpeacocke@RGPLizCrow@George_Osborne. Mr Osbourne please follow #beddingout to see the reality of your policies.
@RGPLizCrow Friends will you join me in inviting our chancellor, @George_Osborne, to #beddingout live? Mr Osborne, an invitation
@paullewismoney Fascinating interview with artist @RGPLizCrow about life, art,disability, activism, benefits and her latest work:
Jessthecrip Thank you Liz and well done from someone else who has to spend a vast amount of time in silent horizontal mode in order to have energy for occasional, brief activity.
@AtosStories Don’t forget for two days after #atosmassread the incomparable @RGPLizCrow will be #beddingout.
@gaelesobott @RGPLizCrow giving voice to the complexities that make up the whole: our feelings, experiences, desires important to defining action.
@zenpeacekeeper The reality of life with a disability – artist Liz Crow shares her ‘bed life’
@seniorchuffy‘Disability is an art…’
@RGPLizCrow Kay De Lautour Scott said of #beddingout “Performance Art with a very real message.” Read this and more:
@RGPLizCrow And erm.. ‘know you don’t have to ‘be’ disabled to be part of #beddingout. #justsaying
@RusticRita This is how art should be – holding a mirror to the world to give a different perspective than we are normally shown.
@maggiemay2149Thanks for sharing. Suffered from M.E. 20 years ago. Although made 80% recovery can still relate to points raised in this video.
@secretnonsmoker @RGPLizCrow #beddingout Take care of yourself. Not to be taken lightly after death of Lee Halpin this week.
@JoRichardsKent There are plenty of non-disabled sickened by what the government is doing, and fighting for you! x
@RGPLizCrow Against disability lies and myths, I will be defiant and disobedient from my bed. Come join me – it’s no fun alone.
@tippyscarecrow Will join you virtually if I can!
@Minervabythesea@RGPLizCrow Got it in my diary #beddingout
@allbigideas Why I wont be #beddingout, but admire those who do:
@tippyscarecrow@sgrady05@Sue_Peel@swimmerdai@ClareStrange Join in with #beddingout. How will welfare reform affect you and yours?
@tippyscarecrow to all of Seaford, Newhaven, Lewis. Think you’re politically aware? Recommend #beddingout. Artist-activist opens discussion on welfare reform.
@jeshyr Being bedridden is such an isolating experience – thrilled about @RGPLizCrow‘s #beddingout project! Feel oddly represented… nice.
@BADHofbauer Your Bedding Out piece sounds amazing. As an artist and a chronically ill woman, I think it’s so important you are highlighting these issues.
@Mylegalforum #beddingout to show the contradictions of the public and private faces of illness.
@RGPLizCrow Wow, so many hours I’ve been bedding in in order to be #beddingout #ironic #reallifedisabled
@nomadic_man If today you need a reason to offer support to people with disabilities then go read posts on #beddingout. I dare you to not feel humbled.
@EC1ecoem Artist-activist Liz Crow’s ‘bed-out’ for disabled rights. #beddingout might just dispel benefit envy!
@RGPLizCrow We’re in The Guardian and in bed! #beddingout
@Rethink_ @RGPLizCrow is in bed raising awareness of the impact of welfare reforms on people with mental health problems. Take part live!
@RGPLizCrow Be part of a twitter chain reaction. Stamp out disability stigma! Join us 10-12 ‘live’ and accessible.
@RGPLizCrow Have you anything you’d like #beddingout to say to ‘la la la la, can’t hear, won’t hear, and won’t speak to the disabled’ @EstherMcVeyMP?
@ian_beckett @RGPLizCrow you speak for the many unlike Madam McVain.
@RGPLizCrow If @EstherMcVey was here in the room, right now, what would you say to her? #beddingout would like to hear! Shout.
@MisterNSandwich @RGPLizCrow @EstherMcVey I’d ask why she blocked me on Twitter. Because I challenged her ludicrous claims, or because I called her a tosser?
@miltonorourke @EstherMcVey When ‘diagnosiing’, what emphasis will be placed on ‘factual’ medical evidence, as opposed to Capita [company assessing PIP claimants] opinion?
@leonc1963 I would ask her to be my carer for a week!
@MyalgicEncephal I would ask why she implied cognitive and fluctuating are not physical.
@bloomer71 I’d want to know why she insists on telling lies – 50% DLA claims granted without medical info? Total bull.
@a2bwithdignity #FF @RGPLizCrow Artist-activist working in film, performance, text and crip culture. #beddingout for disability.
@A_Slaton Powerful performance piece building on ‘social model’ of disability.
@twheaterer: Where does a librocubricularist read?… In bed. #beddingout #trivialpursuit
@RGPLizCrow @twheaterer Wow, they really do!! I might become one. #beddingout
@RGPLizCrow Text us at #beddingout: 07784…. Typing ‘MySecret’ before the message ensures that your message will be tweeted anonymously.
@FionaArt Can I lay down for #beddingout and still stand up against mental health discrimination?
@RGPLizCrow Insubordination from my bed! A disability perception counter attack, 48 hours ‘live’ at from 10-12 – be there!
@miss_kyp So much respect for your #beddingout project! All the best!
@shudisability: @RGPLizCrow is inviting @george_osborne to participate in #beddingout. What a great idea.
@RGPLizCrow “Dear Liz, Bravo! Your spirit shines!” Yoko Ono #beddingout #wow
@RGPLizCrow Loading up my van. Salisbury here we come! #beddingout kicks off 2pm tomorrow!
@Quinonostante: To Salisbury it is then, #beddingout.
@RGPLizCrow This time tomorrow and #beddingout will be in full swing. Am I nervous? Yeah!
@RGPLizCrow Thanks to everyone for their kind messages leading up to this 48 hours of #beddingout in Salisbury. They have encouraged and strengthened me.
@RGPLizCrow @salisburyarts now with @quinonostante, nervously rehearsing and planning.
@Quinonostante Poignant and Powerful – #beddingout in rehearsal with @RGPLizCrow.
@RGPLizCrow Really stepping into the unknown now – in a few hours I’ll be in bed, in public, and talking. Mindblowing really.
@RGPLizCrow Nervously excited, not long now…. deep breaths, relax. Let’s make this work together.
@living_as_if You go girl! Good luck *squishes*
@Peckitt It’s going to be awesome!
@Dr_vole You’re lying there for us all and speaking for us all. Take care Liz.
@CC_Me_AND_ME You’ll be great! So proud of you. With you all the way… Holding your hand across the miles. X
@MikScarlet All this typing is making me feel woozy. So break a leg, or get a puncture, & entertain while changing the world. Bravo.
@coquopr T-minus two hours until the #beddingout livestream begins. Be sure to get involved.
@Onlyfluffyone Happy #beddingout Liz xxx
@RGPLizCrow And she’s off to bed. A cheer please 48 hours in a bed, live, begins with “I’m #beddingout”
@k_runswick_cole And she’s off… #beddingout
@twowolves Bit tearful tbh lol…
During the performance
@cusp Welcome from Liz #beddingout
@Quinonostante in bed with Liz, #beddingout
@RGPLizCrow Live and unleashed on twitter #beddingout. Pose your questions now for Liz.
Sylvia Merrett Thank you doing this for all of us who lead ‘bed lives’ some or all of the time.
@sconesgone A performance artist doing important work not ‘just’ for the disabled community but for ‘all of us.’
@RGPLizCrow “Someone has broken the barrier of silence” says @joverrent.
@ju90artist Wonderful concept that really speaks to my experience. Exactly the type of subject that disability arts should be exploring.
@clissa89 A special #occhat tonight featuring @RGPLizCrow on her 48 hour #beddingout exhibition #Otuesday
@ian_beckett @RGPLizCrow Every now and then I discover someone on twitter who restores my faith in humanity. Tonight it’s you my friend and I thank you.
@gandy Sending some twitterlove to @RGPLizCrow currently #beddingout in protest at awful welfare cuts.
@ian_beckett Inspiration Sensation #beddingout performance by artist/disability activist @RGPLizCrow.
@RGPLizCrow Heartening chat today for #beddingout with @ClaireOT and #occhat -ers! Great encouragement! See you all at #beddingout
@claireOT Wow. Don’t know if you saw it, but just had an amazing #occhat. Really prompted some deep thinking. Thanks all.
@claireOT I really enjoyed the depth of discussion at #occhat#beddingout tonight, thanks x
@claireOT So pleased to see #beddingout in today’s Guardian. Kudos, @RGPLizCrow!
@SoniaPoulton They may try to take our rights but they cannot claim our spirit. I love @RGPLizCrow’s response to the evils that government do.
@kirstyes RT @OTalk_Occhat: Tonight, #occhat are discussing a fantastic artwork that is being created this week by Liz Crow
@cusp@RGPLizCrow Bless you. Gawd you’re a trooper. Sleep and rest well… soon x
@VoiceofT_Reason Thank you for #beddingout. Very emotional experience, but also rewarding to find community in our shared responses. xxx
@SoniaPoulton #beddingout under the duvet and still kicking more butt than Labour!
@twowolves Thought I’d lost my feelings but in love with all of you… Human care and discussion rules! xx
@twowolves Please is there going to be video of full conversations, ‘cos just want to listen to every word again!!?
@RGPLizCrow Wow this session has flown and could’ve lasted hours
@RGPLizCrow 44 hours left in this particular bed.
@tottwriter So many amazing people coming together for #beddingout Gives me that little bit more hope in humanity. Together we are stronger.
@Peckitt I love @RGPLizCrow and her #beddingout campaign!
@skirrid So here’s a big up for Dawn Willis, doing a great job as tweetmeister for #beddingout@Quinonostante. Yay!!!!
@RGPLizCrow Talking to #beddingout on twitter. Please remember to use the hashtag This is really amazing!
@Fire_Rosa Tweeting slowly from my bed. Been bedbound for many years. I maybe scared but wont give in!
@lisapeacefrench I don’t want it to end! I could sit up and talk all night about this!
@claireOT I’m so proud of @RGPLizCrow@Quinonostante and the #beddingout team: great work, guys!
@bluehook@RGPLizCrow fascinated to know whether you managed to sleep in such a strange location. Would have needed much Temazepam myself.
@twowolves Conversations should be on DVD for sale. Would be so helpful to refer to when overwhelmed and lost for words.
@RGPLizCrow Watch this space: all videos and transcripts will be available at
@hc12000 This is such an important work you are doing, Liz.
@tiggerbumble Sorry can’t be part of this twitter stream. Exhausted. Thinking of you all.
@twowolves This is so amazing and has stimulated me in very positive way.
@RGPLizCrow Floor: “So happy it’s a visual art piece because the media is saturated after Olympics with images of ‘successful bodies’.
@CC_Me_AND_ME I’m thinking the red rope barrier is very symbolic… I feel trapped, isolated and roped off when I am housebound.
@lisapeacefrench I don’t blame @RGPlizcrow having a little nap. I too would have found the last hour of baring my soul, as she just has, exhausting.
@janeysian Thank you for #beddingout. I have my own ‘bed life’ and feel less isolated today knowing you are out there.
@KathyOlearyAlways good to know we’re not alone #oftensufferinginsilence x
@coquopr Another #beddingout conversation with @RGPLizCrow kicks off in 15 minutes. Tune in and be a part of the conversation.
@FionaArt6.00pm second of live streamed Bedside Conversations. Getting my tea and technology ready.
@DADAAorgauDo you think you would benefit from seeing the groups/people tweeting while you’re performing?
@RGPLizCrowMixed feelings. I have felt the need to protect from potential overload and potential trolling, so have received a few highlights through my crew which have kept me going. I want to spend more time looking at them though and working how best
@shudisability Great to watch @RGPLizCrow’s #beddingout this afternoon. Another ‘bedside conversation’ at 6pm. Highly recommended!
@lisapeacefrench if you missed the first thought provoking #beddingout bedside conversation, tune in at 6pm for the next.
@lisapeacefrench I really hope someone @number10gov is watching the #beddingout debate livestreaming.
@SoniaPoulton Getting ready to go and join @RGPLizCrow #beddingout. Come find us on-line.
@redfoxcountry Liz Crow and Dawn make me proud.
@lisapeacefrench I think I shall take to my bed for tonight’s #beddingout#bedsideconversation at 8pm in solidarity with #RGPLizCrow.
@tippyscarecrow If we all do that, Liz could make new art, sew our names on her duvet -everyone I ever slept with!
@shudisability Watching #beddingout with students yesterday. They told me about challenging lives/telling different stories. Importance of conversations.
@DADAAorgauThis is interesting in the way that you are doing something quiet but being loud socially, quiet acts can have loud consequences.
@RGPLizCrowYeah! Wow you are right! Social media has created a different arena and whole new voices are emerging from the woodwork!
@RGPLizCrow As we had so many questions from you tweeps which we couldn’t get to, Liz has scheduled another session at 8pm.
@TanteRos An extra session by the brill @RGPLizCrow has been scheduled for 8pm tonight. Great for all spoonies.
@Kewryta Ooh, sneaky spying time! Hey, Liz just smiled. Disabled people can’t smile. Faker!!!
@tippyscarecrow Yes and far too glamorous for a sick person!
@videolizzy I have written a blog post in response Liz Crow’s Bedding Out
@CC_Me_AND_ME#ProudToBeAFanOf#beddingout@RGPLizCrow today in Salisbury #disabilityrights.
@Cardifolderol #beddingout livestream with fab Liz Crow @RGPLizCrow Join people just like you in 18 countries making chronic illness visible.
@TanteRos I’ve been out for the count and missed the afternoon #beddingout. Got another chance at 8pm though
@cusp Congrats Liz. Don’t know how you do it. Such an achievement. xxx
@KwillNews Are you keeping up with #beddingout with @RGPLizCrow? All people, disabled or not, need to hear this.
@DACymru Just wanted to point out that this is disability art and anyone that thinks art can’t make a difference should watch.
@mrsblogs The bravery of all on #beddingout hashtag makes Osborne’s curtains rhetoric seem very small indeed.
@VoiceofT_Reason Terribly disrespectful to @RGPLizCrow‘s performance to allow café noise to be that loud! Tell them to shut up!
@twowolves Ah I quite like it. Shows contrast with how alone we usually are. Would like my room to be cafe once a week…
@VoiceofT_Reason Lol, I prefer being alone. Part of my problem, people-fear. Café here would be like my worst nightmare.
@twowolves Have to admit to little flashes of that could be lovely if I was ok. If was cafe in my room every week, I wouldn’t be there lol.. x
@lisapeacefrench I am so loving the views and unity from all the #beddingout tweets @RGPlizcrow you have created a project of strength.
@twheaterer @RGPLizCrow enjoying a celebratory mid-point chocolate brownie!
@saradziadik Watching @RGPLizCrow #beddingout online live. Check it out: pretty amazing piece!
@tottwriter So many amazing people coming together for #beddingout. Gives me that little bit more hope in humanity. Together we are stronger.
@lisapeacefrench@RGPlizcrow has just demonstrated beautifully the issue that if you are articulate few believe you could be also be disabled.
@coquopr: The fourth of @RGPLizCrow’s bedside conversations begins in 15 minutes. Be sure to tune in.
@SoniaPoulton Big up all involved with #beddingout…tweeting, captioning, videoing, talking. Heartening and illuminating.
@living_as_if Moved by issues or need support? Help links on Liz’s site and take action #WOWpetition: also #WOWforums
@Cardifolderol Tune in to #beddingout with @RGPLizCrow @Quinonostante right this mo livestreaming. Bring disability out the closet!
@RGPLizCrow And now Liz calls home in a mother and child moment.
@RGPLizCrow Today at 12.00pm ‘live’ from the bedside, it’s #beddingout ‘Twitter Chatter’ Join us. Captioning and BSL.
@RGPLizCrow C’mon C’mon, roll up, roll up for the continuing revolution from my bed, live, unleashed and unedited.
@LWdisability Final day #beddingout: a 48 hour stay-in-bed performance art protest. Still time to get involved.
@elizavalerieThank you Liz for your bravery, activism and creativity. I needed this connection.
@RGPLIzCrow Severe ‘brain fry’ setting in here at the bed now… Five more minutes of twitter conversation I think… Giggling at Dawn’s spelling.
@RGPLIzCrow Think we need to take a break now. Thanks for so many important questions. Keep talking to each other as you have during #beddingout.
@RGPLizCrow Liz will be chatting to Western Australia at 9.30 am today!
@fyeahMadPride: #beddingout screenshot to document beautiful tenderness of this scene. Thank you @RGPLizCrow
@Peckitt It’s been amazing so far. Really powerful and emotional.
@Quinonostante #beddingout has 50 countries watching! Nice work Liz Crow, nice work!
@joverrent A total delight to witness #beddingout in person. Politics, art practice, macro and micro, all in one.
@RGPLizCrow Hello to @DADAA in Western Australia. Brilliant to have you by the bedside.
@DADAAorgau Sitting around the bedside in Fremantle, Western Australia discussing visible and invisible disabilities.
@RGPLizCrow @DADAAorgau This is great talking across the world for #beddingout. Who’d have thought?
@RGPLIzCrow As Liz is resting, I wonder if anyone would share some of their thoughts and feelings on #beddingout thus far.
@jamg3916 Thanks Liz for #beddingout. Today is a particularly horrid day and helped me be a bit more positive!
@SoniaPoulton Thoroughly enjoyed a round bedside conversation with the lovely @RGPLizCrow and the keyboard queen @Quinonostante.
@Peckitt How do you feel about being on display in such a public forum?
@RGPLizCrow It’s very testing, but I hear comments from people in the conversations and I realise that it has to be done.
@RGPLizCrow Somebody came into the performance last night and mentioned a friend with MS who needs time to recover. She’d never really listened before and there was a sense of the performance at last ‘validating’ her friend, so that next time she might respond differently.
@AnnabelFenn I think performance art is a great medium to capture the complexities and capriciousness of life.
@DADAAorgau Do you feel like people are sitting around talking over you as if you are already dead?
@RGPLizCrow Not here, feel as though people are really engaging at the bedside and rippling out in twittersphere. Remarkable experience.
@bluehook Lots of us watching from afar, from beds and sofas everywhere. Good job Liz, you’ve got people talking.
@RGPLizCrow Liz is about to see her daughter for the first time since Tuesday! Prepare for a cuddle
@DADAAorgau A big thank you Liz for allowing us to participate in such an illuminating event. We are off to dinner. The best of luck!
@Quinonostante It’s weird to be watching Liz not knowing what affect this ‘spotlight’ performance is having on her wellbeing.
@FionaArt Anxiety is not helping me prepare for a busy day. Thinking about the installation #beddingout. @RGPLizCrow, could you share how the anxiety feels and how you deal with it?
@RGPLizCrow The anticipation was a lot more frightening than doing. It’s not entirely comfortable being here, but I get strength from people participating and I think the next time will be easier. There are still 20 hours left, my fears haven’t yet been realised, and the feedback is that the work is doing something. So to hell with it I’m going for it, and it might actually do something!
@FionaArt Thanks for your words from #beddingout. Physically and mentally ’twas a struggle to get out of the house. Your words spurred me on. #internetreadyhugs #mentalhealth
@DADAAorgau Do you feel socially included in being in this performance?
@RGPLizCrow More than in much of my life. Listening in to conversations from here on the stage is more including than much of life. I love that ebb and flow. And support from a whole crew and participants has been beyond anything imagined, so yes – though a different version of inclusion from what most would think of.
@Samonanaomi This was fascinating and really resonates with me. Please check out my project #boundart for my take.
@DrJings #beddingout poignant, courageous, compassionate and excellent exercise in sharing the truth about ill-health for so many sick!
@leblackwood This evening’s ‘bedside conversations’ an intellectually invigorating experience. Time for a national #bedding out campaign?
@RGPLizCrow Please join us for Liz’s final Bedside Chat at 10.15 (UK time). BSL and live captioning too.
@soundmanfilms This is fantastic! Art and activism is the way forward!
@RGPLIzCrow A ‘secret’ text: “I am in tears hearing and seeing someone articulating what is my living condition, my hidden disability. I am so proud and happy about this art taking place. It speaks the truth to you who choose to listen.”
@lisapeacefrench If you missed the last thought provoking bedside conversation, tune in at 10.15am for the next.
@RGPLizCrow Colin Hambrook asks where do we find disability arts and activism?
@lisapeacefrench Following response to my #PTSD blog inspired by #beddingout I’m considering #crowdfunding my book project. News soon!
@RGPLizCrow Hurry at 2pm, Liz will be ‘sofaside’ with students at Sheffield Hallam Uni, and they’ll be tweeting via the #beddingout hashtag! Join in!
@shudisability Today with @RGPLizCrow #beddingout we discussed social model as vital and relevant to disabled people’s movement and powerful and radical to many.
@JustFindGini ‘People Like You’ exhibition began with the phrase “…should be taken out and shot.” I’m so glad you’re #beddingout in the midst of it.
@RGPLizCrow Live and unleashed on twitter #beddingout. Pose your questions now for Liz.
@RGPLizCrow If you were affected by any of the issues raised on #beddingout chatter today, please don’t be alone. We’ve some info:, scroll down to Advice & Support.
@RGPLizCrow The bedside chats are powerful and emotional. We are aware this can be uncomfortable afterwards. For help/advice please take a look at, scroll down to Advice & Support.
@RGPLizCrow Liz is taking pictures from her bed, watching us watching her #beddingout.
@RGPLizCrow Less than one hour before Liz will leave the #beddingout ‘bed’ and return to her family to recover.
@RGPLizCrow Just wanted to thank everyone today for their time, patience and undiluted passion during #beddingout, visitors, crew, and all of you.
@lisapeacefrench That was the most enlightening, thought provoking and empowering hour I have ever spent on twitter!
@TheSmallPlaces @RGPLizCrow’s #beddingout campaign is blooming marvelous. I feel tired just watching all her hard work!
@Quinonostante There’s a gathering at the bedside for the finale of #beddingout with the astounding Liz Crow. 15 mins to go.
@RGPLizCrow @coquopr have, it needs to be said, worked tirelessly to create this set and keep live stream streaming for #beddingout.
@RGPLizCrow @SalisburyArts is a pretty amazing venue, surrounded by stunning stained glass!
@RGPLizCrow To @twheaterer a thanks for her amazing multitasking strength and organisation.
@RGPLizCrow To the @SalisburyArts café crew – you know who you are with your legendary #beddingout breakfast! Thanks
@RGPLizCrow The everyone @SalisburyArts who ensured we felt welcome, even though we’re certain we were in the way a lot of the time!
@RGPLizCrow Big thanks to @artscouncil for funding #beddingout.
@RGPLizCrow A special thanks must go to Fess and Aiden the @coquopr onsite team, whose humour and professionalism is a credit to them
@RGPLizCrow And quietly she climbs out of bed… 48 hours later #beddingout
After the performance
@RGPLizCrow As Liz returns home to rest after #beddingout she has asked that I convey her sincere thanks to every one of you who participated here online and via the website. Your positively kept her spirits high. She is humbled by your passion.
@RGPLizCrow We really want to reiterate how grateful we are to everyone who made #beddingout such a topic to tweet about. You guys rock!!
@RGPLizCrow The 48 hour event has ended, but you can catch up at, and please keep the passion.
@molly_cats The #beddingout conversation goes on via twitter at @RGPLizCrow
@RGPLizCrow It’s the weekend. The crew are resting after 48 hours of live #beddingout, but you can catch up here:
@RGPLizCrow First read through of #beddingout feed. Feeling #tiredandemotional. So thankful to have had you all along with me. Please keep conversation going. xx
@Peckitt @RGPLizCrow I’m curious. What’s next for #beddingout?
@Peckitt A long recovery for me, plus hope that everyone keeps retweeting the true facts and stories till they clog the airwaves.
@Peckitt @RGPLizCrow I was hoping for #beddingout the movie and soundtrack. You can play Liz Crow.
@RGPLizCrow @Peckitt No, no, let me play someone else! The Conversations movies will be uploaded to very soon. Will tweet when.
@Peckitt @RGPLizCrow OK you can play Thatcher. I’ll be John Major.
@ClaraGiraud What impact did the intrusion of onlookers have on your performance/bedding?
@RGPLizCrow It’s the challenge at the heart of the piece: is another’s gaze survivable?
@ClaraGiraud And was it?
@RGPLizCrow (laughs) Think it’s ongoing. Question is can I translate what took place to the ‘real world’… Work in progress, promising start…
@VoiceofT_Reason #beddingout has been a very good ‘trigger’ in a world with too many negative trigger actions and reactions.
@lisapeacefrench: @VoiceofT_Reason ditto! Like-minded #beddingout’ers keep the inspiration going:-)
@MisterNSandwich I think @RGPLizCrow‘s #beddingout has played a significant part in helping me sort my head out. Nice to know you’re not alone.
Loumo: I really hadn’t thought about the bedridden and housebound aspects of disability and this has made me do so.
@chestnutkay #beddingout taught many who didn’t know about our lives but it also taught me so much about my own too. Thanks so much Liz. X
@Abilty_PTR: Ladies/Angels/Guardians and witnesses, #beddingout stirred my sleepy Celtic Dragon into action. Create happiness and healing and roast myth and lies!
@lisapeacefrench Oh, I have my highs and lows, my ‘fasttimes’ and my ‘slowtimes’. Think that’s why #beddingout connected with me so much x
@Kitschmonkey Thank you to #beddingout for new introductions! X
@lisapeacefrench Really hard to sum up how empowering #beddingout and the connections we all made were…
@RGPLizCrow Don’t forget. All bedside conversations available to watch beyond the event:
@Abilty_PTR Catch up on #beddingout 48hr performance piece by @RGPLizCrow. Thought provoking and humbling look hidden world of #freshperspective.
@CC_Me_AND_ME Until #beddingout I was fearful to apply for DLA. I applied last week. Bedding out empowered me!
@Cardifolderol Thank you for doing #beddingout! I’m inspired to keep my dark glasses on for visitor as must open blinds, instead of suffering! X
@lisapeacefrench I wonder if I could be as brave as you and face my demons and give a talk on a real bus.
@RGPLizCrow@lisapeacefrench You go girl. Let’s trade stories, get results!
@lisapeacefrench@RGPLizCrow I really am giving it serious consideration! Your project has really made me think very deeply these last few days!
@astrolabeX5 Thanks. #beddingout make the invisible visible. Excellent combination: critical, informative, performance…
@lisapeacefrench Thank you. Your brave #beddingout project was one of the things that made me feel brave enough to publish my blog, to show my support.
@RGPLizCrow Thanks @joverrent for great article ‘#beddingout: When Taking to Your Bed Is Both Activism and Art’
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