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Produced and directed by Liz Crow
10 minute filmed drama, 2000
With captions
Frida Kahlo’s Corset is a short experimental drama that follows a journey of transformation by the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) who wore a series of orthopaedic corsets because of impairment. The film draws on Kahlo’s own words and characteristically bold painting style. It refutes the picture of Kahlo’s life as one of tragedy and suffering.
Picture This (UK) Short Film Award, 2000
Honourable mention at Picture This Festival (Calgary)
Best of the Fest, Disability Film Festival
Moscow International Disability Film Festival Award
Selected for British Council catalogue
Arnolfini, Bristol
Tate Modern, alongside 2005 Kahlo retrospective
National Film Theatre, London
Brief Encounters Short Film Festival
British Federation of Film Societies
Greenbelt Festival, Cheltenham
Filton College, Bristol
Disability Pride, Norwich
Hastings Museum
Vassall Centre, Bristol
Where are the Women? Here they Are! 2012, Cube Cinema, Bristol
Cornerhouse, Manchester
Strength to Strength exhibition
Semana Cultural, Hispanic, Portuguse, Latin American Studies, University of Bristol
Bird’s Eye View Film Festival
DaDa Fest, Liverpool
Above & Beyond international disability arts festival
Disability Film Festivals, London, Stratford-upon-Avon, South West
Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts
World Bank training on disability inclusion
Borderlines Film Festival, Hereford
Pallant House, Chichester
D.Vercity European Disability Arts and Culture Festival, Lancaster
Purbeck Film Festival
Leeds University Disability History Month
Selected for British Film Institute archives
Herland Festival
Picture This Festival, Calgary
Toronto Disability Film and Culture Festival
Munich Festival of Short Films
Moscow Disability Film Festival
Bodies of Work, Chicago
Propellor TV
Sky Television
Frida Kahlo's Corset
Liz Crow
Director of Photography
Carol Stevens
Art Director
Melanie Leeson
Andy Moss
Liz Crow and Ralph Hoyte
Caravanserai and Hetty Hope
Main Cast
Isolte Avila
Laura Jerram
Carmen Brauning (Voice of Frida Kahlo)
Production Management
Infinite Blue Productions in partnership with Picture This Moving Image
A remarkably assured debut from a new director of real visual flair
[The film] evokes a Frida exulting in her identity. A passionate and sensual portrait of the artist, the film has the surreal quality of a painting coming to life.
A wonderful poetic and evocative film… Unmissable
Download Short Film Analysis: Frida Kahlo’s Corset, Dierdre Guthrie, University of Chicago, Illinois, 2005
The Diary of Frida Kahlo, Harry N Abrams, 1995
The Letters of Frida Kahlo/Cartas Apasionadas, Ed. M Zamora, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1995
Herrera, H (1983) Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo (Harper Row, New York)
Kettenmann, A (1993) Frida Kahlo (Benedickt Taschen)
Lindauer, MA (1999) Devouring Frida (Weslyan University Press)
Kismaric and Heiferman (eds) (1992) Frida Kahlo: The Camera Seduced (Chronicle Books, San Francisco)
Tate Modern Information and resources from the major exhibition in 2005 of Frida Kahlo’s work. Frida Kahlo’s Corset screened alongside the exhibition.
Guardian Unlimited Gallery of Kahlo’s paintings.
Frida Kahlo contemporary thoughts All kinds of articles and links about the ‘cult of Frida Kahlo’. Check out the ceramic Frida dolls, taken from Kahlo’s paintings, and note that her wheelchair has mysteriously vanished from ‘Self-Portrait with the Portrait of Doctor Farill’ (1951).
Mexico Connect The Frida Kahlo Museum.
To cite this page: Crow, Liz (2000) Frida Kahlo's Corset, Roaring Girl Productions [online] [Available at:] [Accessed 26/03/2025]