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Having the Last Word

Please join us for a mass tweet from In Actual Fact on Monday 17th February 8.30-10.00pm when Channel 4 broadcasts ‘Benefits Street: The Last Word’, followed by ‘Benefits Britain: The Debate’. Head to In Actual Fact for carefully sourced, instantly tweetable anti-austerity facts and select from the full menu of facts to tweet. In the  Continue Reading »

Being Mysterious

New year, new project! I can’t say much yet, but it relies on money, vast quantities of clay, sweeping vistas of space, fantastic people mobilising, and keeping my nerve. The only bit that’s certain at the moment is the date of the UK General Election. I’m really happy to be working with CoQuo PR again after  Continue Reading »

Two events coming up – we need you!

Event 1: Tuesday 5 November is the People’s Assembly national day of action against austerity, tweeting on #burnausterity. Alongside the many events of the day, we want to raise awareness of In Actual Fact and enourage people to use it to back their anti-austerity campaigns.We’d love you to tweet (and Facebook) on and off throughout that  Continue Reading »

Things we can do

A last blast before I crash for a while. Bedding Out at Edinburgh was a good one: 30 hours of continuous performance, six bedside conversations and an active twitter feed. We talked of the Work Capability Assessment, the social model, performance protest, strength through activism, shaping public opinion, creating our own press, next generation politics,  Continue Reading »

In Actual Fact

Today’s the day for another website launch. As Government and press propaganda about the cuts and benefit claimants continues to skew public opinion towards division and hatred¹ , we urgently need to answer back with the actual facts. Misrepresentation of official statistics is being use for political gain and justification for a reinvented, cut-back benefits system² that  Continue Reading »

The highs and the lows and the highs

Hurray, today’s the day for the launch of the seriously brilliant, new-look Roaring Girl Productions website, created by the ever-talented CoQuo: In the process of designing the new site, we sifted through all the existing materials and I realised I’ve done more than I’d ever known over the past 13 years of RGP. There’s  Continue Reading »

Bedding Out in Edinburgh

My bed will shortly be wending its way to Edinburgh, where I’m hoping to bludge a comfy mattress for a 30-hour version of myBedding Out performance at the Fringe. Where Salisbury and the livestream became a connecting of disabled people and building of strategy, Edinburgh is set to be a different beast. This time we’ll  Continue Reading »

“Strivers not Shirkers”: echoes through the century

I’ve been at the Bristol Records Office recently, trawling through the archives of The Guild of the Brave Poor Things. One of a network of membership groups for disabled people, the Bristol Guild was founded in 1896 and became the first to have its own purpose built headquarters. Bringing together disabled people in a social  Continue Reading »

The most formidable of oppositions

Arriving at the converted church that is Salisbury Arts Centre, my home for the 48 hours of Bedding Out, the altar stage looked breathtakingly beautiful. Plotted and planned as it was, I was not prepared for the theatre of it: a wall of white drapes behind the bed picking up on the white of the  Continue Reading »

Reminding myself why

On the eve of Bedding Out, there’s mounting excitement in the twittersphere and my stomach is looping the loop. Will the work do something? (Will my body do what’s needed?) Will people join in and make the project work? I am back at the eve of my Fourth Plinth performance in Trafalgar Square. Then, it was the uncertainty of performance that  Continue Reading »